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    Riding your mountain bike with the appropriate
    amount of tire pressure can make a huge difference
    in how much control you have over your bike.

    Setting your tire pressure too high will make for
    poor contact with the ground and also make your
    bike less controllable. Setting your tire pressure
    too low will make your tires unpredictable and also
    make them susceptible to pinch flats.

    The appropriate amount of tire pressure in a
    mountain bike will vary between rider to rider and
    tire setup to tire setup. The conditions of your
    trail and the type of terrain your riding will also
    greatly impact what tire pressure you should be using
    in your tires.

    The trick here is to find out exactly what mountain
    bike tire pressure works for you and your setup during
    normal conditions. After doing this, you can learn
    to adjust your pressure for different trails and types
    of terrain as needed.

    You should start by finding a reliable pressure gauge
    or a pump with a pressure gauge. Then, use this same
    gauge or pump anytime you are making adjustments. A
    gauge can be very inaccurate, so if you switch around
    it you can make things much more difficult.

    You should start with a higher pressure of around 40 -
    50 psi. If you have a tubeless system, you should
    start lower, 30 - 40 psi. The more you weigh, the
    higher pressure you should start with. Try this
    pressure for a while and get a feel for how the tires
    take corners and loose dirt.

    Drop the pressure by 5 psi in each tire and get a feel
    for how this new setup rides and how it compares to your
    previous setting. You should notice some improvement
    in stability, and if you don't, drop the pressure by
    another 5 psi.

    You want to find the lowest pressure you can ride with
    without sacrificing pinch flat resistance. A pinch flat
    occurs when your tire rolls over an object then compresses
    to the point where the tire and the tube get pinched
    between the object and the rim on the wheel.

    With tubeless tire systems, you can run much lower air
    pressure, as you don't have to worry about getting pinch
    flats. If you start to dent your rims, burp air out
    along the bead, or feel the tire roll under the rim
    during hard cornering, you've taken the pressure much
    too low.

    Once you've found a comfortable setting for your tire
    pressure, learn what your tire feels like when you
    squeeze it with your hands. Once you know what your
    tires feel like you can always get the right air
    pressure - with any pump.

    (word count 447)